If You Are Unable to Work
Disability insurance through MetLife is a cost-effective way to protect your income when you are unable to work due to illness or injury.
Disability insurance through MetLife is a cost-effective way to protect your income when you are unable to work due to illness or injury.
Below is a brief summary of the USG Short-term Disability (STD) and Long-term Disability (LTD) plans. For specific details, refer to the STD and LTD Summary Plan Document.
Short-Term Disability (STD) |
Long-Term Disability (LTD) |
Exclusion: No benefits are payable under the plan for any disability due to a condition in which you had any medical treatment, consultation, care or services, took prescription medication or had medications prescribed in the three months prior to enrollment or if you have been actively at work for less than 12 consecutive months after the date your coverage takes effect. Income During the Elimination Period You may use your available paid time off for salary continuation during the time before disability plan payments begin. Once you are approved to receive STD or LTD payments, your sick and vacation time can be saved for future use, but not combined with payments from disability plans. In addition to paid time off, USG also offers three weeks of paid parental leave for eligible employees. Paid parental leave may be used during the STD elimination period, but not at the same time as STD. See your campus HR/Benefits Office for more information. How to File a Claim To get started, speak with your Campus HR/Benefits Office to discuss your disability options. Next, initiate a claim by logging in to your MetLife account or downloading the MetLife App. For more information and to file a claim, log into the MetLife website. |
STD replaces a portion of your income starting on the 15th day of a qualifying disability and continuing for a maximum of 11 weeks.
LTD replaces a portion of your income for an extended period of time. Benefits begin on the 91st day of disability or at the end of your STD benefits. Benefits continue as long as you meet the definition of “disabled” under the policy or reach age 70.
Your benefits will continue while you are on disability as long as you continue to pay for them. Speak with your campus HR/Benefits Office to discuss your options pertaining to your disability.
While you are actively working, premiums will be conveniently paid through payroll deduction, so you don’t have to worry about writing a check or missing a payment.
Without disability coverage, you may need to use your savings or tap into other assets to cover your essential living expenses while you are recovering from an accident or illness.
It is easiest to enroll when you first become eligible. As long as you enroll within 30 days of employment, Evidence of Insurability (EOI) is not required. If you enroll at any other time, including during Open Enrollment, EOI will be required.
You can enroll in LTD when you first become eligible, within 30 days of employment, or during a subsequent Open Enrollment period. EOI is not required. However, you may be subject to pre-existing plan exclusions for 12 months from the date you elect the plan.
See the Plan Document for more information.